Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bambling Theraphy

Hi guys, now i'm in da library. no more picture as i am lazy for it. zombie face, no point for showing it to public haha. so i've just recalled that i've type some draft maybe paste on desktop, a few weeks ago haha. old story but never mind, i've spend a lot of time for it. so bear with it. as this draft has been dusty on my desktop, i've edit and put some of the whole story for that holiday haha. You’ll recognize that this blog will be updated when i’m in hectic and super duper busy of studying or even acomplishing work. Personally, I don’t understand what am i doing. Please ignore my grammar mistake :p i'm still in the learning process

it has been a long time till my last post. its me again writing typing using microsoft word to be copied to blogger as my home internet line has been cut down for a while. I’ll try my best to use maxis broadband as alternative to accomplish a lot of works to handed in by next week. So this why the post is here :p. but the reality is, maxis broadband lied to me!!!! this post is published using UM-Wifi-Student.

i've purchased RM 10 with 750 mb package, but it only worked in my cheap smartphone. wasted for 24 hours at first. got to configure something with the setting. after calling the center the day after, everything went well so far. but when connects to the computer, i made my phone as modem, it won't work!!! that second day i didn't know that it worked only using the phone. went to the center at Batu Pahat Mall with no shame face, showing to them my cheap smartphone, asking them whats wrong with my line. i've purchased for RM10 okay!!! (i think they are laughing at me at the time he get to change to another smartphone to change the setting), that handsome guy i'm melting :p showed to me that the internet can be used, but only in smartphone. my cheap smartphone doesn't have that VPN or data setting. what a shame!! till the day i came back to UM, only 18mb were used from 750mb. and thats only for twitter and facebook. hah!! disaster!!! actually, that last day i can use it along the way back to KL, but, as far as you concern, I'm lazy enough to charge my cheap smartphone, heading to Hospital Sultanah Nora Ismail with 22% battery. before at home, i thought that 22% is enough for me to hear songs, but my fingers still didn't satisfy with that unused internet package, i've started to play around with the browser, and guess what?? there's a line!!! i can online!!! but charging for only half an hour won't enough to fill up the battery up to 50% at least. i'm frustrated!!! so again, with no power bank, i'm not smartphone user, i've got online for about 15 minutes on the bus with the energy lost like water flowing. luckily my head started to explode, ignoring the internet on my finger, i've started to sleep soundly along the way to KL for about 3 hours. thats the story of the berukband!!!

back to the draft, so logically, that week is the midterm holiday for most universities in malaysia particularly IPTA okay. It would be the most heaven days for me at the starting of the holiday. Keep playing, watching television and sight seeing like there’s no tomorrow. So now is already at the middle of the holiday, the hectic part of this week will be started maybe tonight, as i need to settle down an assignment of 15 pages (at least) which i haven’t started any of it. And as for thesis, chapter 1 and chapter 2 are in process which actually supposed to be settled for long time ago. Aini!!! Wake up!!! Do your work!!! Except for chapter 2 (literature review) which is worryless part . it is the all along the research part. So skip that part. But it still need a lot of readings. Damn i don’t like readings so much. That would be a challenge.

It would be thankful if y’ll not telling anyone about this if you know me personally. I’m writing about it just to release my stress. Expressing what is kept in my heart all along, alone. Thats depressing. Even keep talking about it again and over again doesn’t make it better. That is really depressing. It is kind of simple traumatic situation for me when that event occur everynight, everyday, every week or even every fortnight. 
That is the worst thing that I ever felt. It keep haunting me every weekdays from the early of this semester till now. This moment. As long as that “creature” is away from me, I felt safe. So weekends and holiday is like a freedom for me. But that feel doesn’t last for long if i catch a glimpse of that “creature” at any place like my room or even at my home. The worst is, in my solely brain of mine. It is really hard to cast away that “creature”. It possed all the perfect aspects that is needed in life which is kind of positive jealousy i supposed. But that positive jealousy is bringging me down even lowered my capabilities. I’m so worried that this matter will affect all along this semester.

 and today, the most recent day, just a few hours back, we're supposed to be handed in the literature review. damn!! only smiling face that i can give dr. :p as i'm the most absent person among the other 4 students under my supervisor, i can imagine what disaster will i face.

 till then, lost of idea. adios

Friday, July 26, 2013

Newbie Gamers : Play Station & Joystick

hi guys

dah lama berhajat nak buat entry ni.. ye lah.. kan memang aku ni, post entry pun berdasarkan pengalaman.. banyak post banyak lah pengalaman.. sikit post sikit lah pengalaman.. ehh?? haha mungkin ianya hanya sesuai untuk diri sendiri sahaja.. mungkin :p

so.. entry lepas kan aku sibuk gebang nak buat post untuk gamers.. yang mungkin nak menikmati game dengan penuh penghayatan tanpa menggunakan keyboard.. so this is why joystick come into the picture :D

untuk pengetahuan korang.. aku ni memang suka main game.. ianya bukan satu habit.. tapi aku suka.. faham tak?? so benda ni bukanlah satu benda hardcore yang amat vital hingga tak ada benda tu aku boleh mati.. aha.. no no no.. macam air.. boleh mati kalau tak ada air.. actually aku tak tahu nak bagi contoh apa.. oh mungkin boleh guna phone.. suatu ketika dahulu kalau tak ada phone.. alamak.. bosannya.. tak de benda nak buat.. haaa sampai macam gitu.. cumanya.. tak la mati takde phone..

dulu masa sekolah menengah.. sanggup simpan duit untuk beli PS1 semata-mata nak main game.. but hanya mampu 2nd hand punya.. so masa beli tu adalah dia bagi beberapa cd game untuk kita pilih dan aku terpick salah satu game yang ada 3 cd.. unfortunately cuma 2 cd je yang aku ambil..  sebabnya aku tengok cover cd tu sama je.. tu yang tak amek tu.. damn!!! tapi.. bila dah main baru tau.. main beli je.. bila dah syok main sampai habis.. keluar lah "insert disc 3".. aha!! memang tak laa sambung.. tang mana nak cari game tu.. waktu tu masih lagi buta IT.. tak lah buta sangat sikit je..

so now.. tiba-tiba teringat pulak time cuti sekolah je sampai tak tidur malam duk hadap tv main game tu.. addicted sangat time tu.. tu yang datang idea nak main balik game tu.. that's why.. google punya google.. aku jumpa link game favorite tu.. terus download siap-siap..

so lets start :D

all we need is..
  1. the game itself
  2. the software to run the game
  3. a joystick (optional)
game ni ada banyak link boleh jumpa depending game apa yang korang cari.. kalau baru nak mula.. mungkin korang boleh tengok website ni.. dan ianya adalah dalam bentuk ISO..

depending on your ROMs.. apa host korang.. macam aku.. aku guna Sony Playstation.. untuk gamers yang lebih arif mungkin lebih faham apa tu ROMs yang lain-lain..

software tu kita panggil sebagai emulator.. software ni ada banyak jenis.. but yang paling top yang diusulkan daripada banyak-banyak forum yang dijumpai adalah ePSXe.. untuk game host PS1 lah.. mungkin boleh guna untuk game PS2, PS3 and lain-lain tapi better google ye.. aku rasa boleh.. aku pun tak tahu dan tak ambil tahu lagi setakat ni.. boleh dapat kat sini

version yang paling latest setakat ni adalah ePSXe v1.8.0.. nak guna yang lama punya pun tak pe.. terpulang

curi encik google

bila dah dah download zip file emulator ni.. just unzip sahaja.. buat configuration yang mudah.. just ikut apa yang direcommandkan kat situ and settle.. you're ready for the game kalau dah siap download game awal-awal haha.. 

but ini hanya terjadi pada 1st time aku buat kat laptop aku.. bila kat laptop abang aku ni.. eh.. banyak pulak songel dia.. tak boleh pulak.. dan ia disebabkan oleh entah kenapa zip file yang dah di download ni tak cukup packagenya.. aku ingatkan sebab graphic card dia lain.. tapi sangkaan aku meleset bila dia kata file yang pegang bios kat dalam folder bios tak ada. dan ini memang menguji kesabaran aku sebab aku dah tak sabar nak rasmikan joystick yang baru dibeli.. kalau ini terjadi.. masa configuration tu.. 1st thing dia nak ialah bios.. kalau tak ada.. korang boleh download sendiri file spch1001.bin tu sendiri.. ada banyak hostfile yang free tanpa register bagai.. boleh cari.. kat 4shared pun ada.. 

lepas tu save kat dalam folder bios kat folder ePSXe korang.. kalau tak ada masalah dah boleh main..

tapi untuk kes aku.. masalah kedua timbul bila dia asyik keluar "missing render texture" dan kemudian "no pixel format".. dan ini lah datangnya dari problem graphic card.. habis habisan aku google.. problem configuration video..

awalnya cuma ada Pete's OpenGL as recommended.. so guna setting tu je lah.. malas nak download.. bile dah naik terkeluar biji mata baca kat forum.. diorang kata suruh guna P.E.Op.S Soft punya setting.. aku pun try dan ianya menjadi!!! so plugin yang tu boleh cari dan download kat sini

download dan paste kat folder plugin k.. lepas tu settle.. boleh main dengan happy..

**joystick come into the picture**

untuk penghayatan game extra :p

setakat ni boleh main guna keyboard.. kalau nak main guna joystick, then another work to be done ye..

selepas install korang punya joystick punya driver.. biasanya disertakan dengan joystick yang dibeli dalam bentuk cd.. kalau tak ada boleh download sini dengan refer video ni

sebelum main.. kena setting dulu setiap button kat joystick tu.. mapkan satu-satu button tu untuk apa.. tapi yang ni default punya menggunakan keyboard.. untuk assign satu-satu.. klik kat kotak yang dikehendaki then tekan pada joystick korang. eg, klik button L2 (yang tunjuk E pada map aku), lepas tu kat controller, tekan button L2 tu.. buat untuk semua button sampai habis.. baru boleh main.. 

boleh refer video kat link ni kalau tak reti

dah siap!! so boleh start main kalau tak ada masalah..

tapi untuk beberapa ketika.. aku dah syok main.. tup tup.. ada button yang tak boleh guna.. like.. button segitiga tak function.. ahaiii dah penat aku main.. tak boleh bukak menu.. macam mana nak save.. dah burn je lah.. then mula lah bersilat cari nak buat macamana.. masalah aku.. mula-mula button hijau tulah.. lepas tu cuma cursor je boleh guna dengan start and select.. aii memang mintak maki sepanjang malam berangin denga benda ni.. ada yang kata guna F5, F6.. dia main pasal analog/digital.. yang ni aku tak faham sangat.. so dah sehabis baik search kan bagus kalau cari bahan thesis macam ni.. aku jumpa yang kata guna Xpadder..

so aku pun excited google bendalah tu.. korang google lah sendiri.. aku malas nak terang :p sebab dah malas nak fikir.. aku terus je download Xpadder ni.. ni link dia

lepas download.. unzip file berkenaan.. install.. tapi.. masalahnya.. Xpadder ni tak compatible dengan Window 7 and above.. XP, Vista dia compatible.. aiii.. masalah lagi.. so aku jumpa penyelesaiannya di sini

dah baca.. sila faham kan.. boleh download Aplication Compatibility Toolkit tu kat sini

cara nak setup boleh refer kat sini

settle semua.. kira dah siap lah.. untuk mula main.. run dulu Xpadder dan siap-siap masukkan usb controller korang.. so dia akan baca controller korang untuk function.. baru run ePSXe korang.. pastikan setting gamepad korang guna setting default.. yang guna keyboard tu.. then boleh mula main game dengan gembira..

till then.. itu sahaja daripada newbie gamers guna laptop :p goodluck kepada yang mencuba!! k bai!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Officially Holiday!!

hi guys. whats up today? me, too fine as i'm starting to enjoy holidays :p

mungkin benda ni basi tapi saje nak update pasal report hari tu. tak nak baca boleh "close tab"..

dan dengan ini, saya telah merasmikan cuti semester ini bermula 22 Julai yang lalu yeah!!!!

nak tahu cerita tak yang malam update last post hari tu, baru buat front page dengan heading title je. dalam hari hamis baru mula pengenalan and the gang. nampak tak pemalas kat situ. dan report dapat disiapkan pada pagi selepas sahur pada hari ahad haha dan malam tu baru nak touch up then baru send emel ke Dr. Goh.

dah send, selesai satu masalah.. dugaan datang pulak malam tu tak jumpa driver printer. al maklum lah, laptop orang kan.. mana lah install driver printer kite tu.. dah gelabah.. cari dalam kotak tak jumpa.. tup tup jumpa dia duduk elok-elok je dalam drawer.. 

setelah menempuh pelbagai dugaan dan cabaran.. akhirnya report berjaya dizahirkan ke alam nyata ceewah ayat :p

esok paginya, isnin tu, cepat-cepat pos dengan pos laju. kat pejabat pos, ada mak cik tu dok jengah-jengah alamat surat kite.. gila-gila dia tenung alamat tu.. yang pak cik tu pulak saje je tenung-tenung kite amek gambar.. saje nak bagi bengang.. tahu tak budak nama Aini tu excited time tu..!! aiii, malu titee *facepalm

tapi kan.. tak faham jugak lah time tu.. sebab.. macam lah tak pernah hantar assignment sebelum ni.. tapi.. mungkin sebab kena pos.. tu yang excited semacam.. mohon faham :p

ianya memakan kos RM6 ye

selesai mengepos.. pergi lah bandar Batu Pahat tu.. kononnya nak amek laptop.. mane la tahu dah siap.. tak sanggup nak menanggung rindu.. tup tup dia kate.. "laptop you tak ada la.. hantar pergi KL" aisemen.. lamenye.. kate tukar hinge je.. dah alang-alang jalan tu, I've got myself this joystick untuk lepas gian instead of cuci mata cari kasut raya muahahaha :p

dah lama cari benda ni k

kalau rajin nanti.. nak post pasal joystick ni pulak.. tapi more to sofware lah.. joystick ni cikai punya je pun.. tak mampu lah kite nak beli yang branded-branded punya.. so ianya mungkin berguna untuk gamers yang baru teringat yang diorang tu gamers haha or mungkin nak berjinak-jinak or mungkin juga tak pandang dah post tu nanti especially boys yang dah expert benda ni

btw.. Aini mungkin terlupa yang officially holiday dia tu ada thesis yang patut dimulakan.. so.. tak berapa nak holiday sangat lah kan.. so untuk student yang bakal berdepan dengan LI (latihan ilmiah bukan latihan industri k) atau FYP (final year project) good luck k!! actually.. beberapa jam yang lalu.. tak tahu pun FYP tu apa.. aku tanya kat Fara yang datang cari resepi kuih raya online tadi :p

till then..selamat berpuasa !!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Aini, Report is Calling

hi guys..

me.. supposed to be doing my report right now instead of browsing something not useful. yeah.. new laptop.. new spirit.. boooo Aini!!! well, everything need to be installed.. mucho love to my big bro :D thanks for lending it to me!!!! my life after this is depending on you lappy.. be a good boy kay!!

 i've should have started for about 1 week ago and yet, here I am, blogging, facebooking, tweeting and whatever -ing.. due date is on 22 July and i've got to finish it in less than 1 week.. starting tonight. its my determination!!! pray for me >.<

this time, we'll make it traditionally or i can say, half modern?? haha yeah, all the second year student in my course have to do this, we've got to post (using pos laju) and sent another copy by email. it's kind of interesting!!!

so.. i've set up my mind, POST IT ON 22 JULY!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!! 
i'll sent on Friday if I can make it early hehehe

this is why tonight.. ehem.. just wanted to start.. with the first page.. booooo Aini!!!!!!!!

so this is me in Bukit Fraser. Geographers on the Field!!!

till then.. wish me luck!!! k bai!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Gmail Ngok Ngek

gmail mengada nak account special.. hinggakan hotmail aku tak dapat detect..
bukan tak dapat detect.. emel orang lain jadi primary.. heiiii ini tidak boleh jadi..
dengan penuh keazaman.. terpaksa lah buat account gmail yang baru..
remove admin lama.. tapi tak delet lah.. sayang..
 tinggal kenangan

pape je lah google+.. apa yang kau nak plus kan sangat tu haku pun tak tahu lah

bila dah reti main revert bagai.. ni lah yang baru..
tapi yang google+ punya aku rasa comel jugak :p

ah pape je lah.. jangan sampai terdelete sudah.. sentimental woo

dah alang-alang tukar semua benda.. akhirnya blog ni berubah wajah.. rupa vintage pulak eh :p

k bai

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

Meraban di Library


hari ni 17 haribulan 5 tahun 2013.. menunjukkan bahawa dah 136 hari aku tak update blog.. humm.. aku bukan tak ada idea tapi aku mungkin malas.. humm.. MUNGKIN.. melampau..

btw, sem ni pun dah nak habis.. takwim pun menunjukkan bahawa dah nak habis minggu ke 12 daripada 14 minggu kuliah.. nampak tak permainannya di situ.. tengah sibuk busy macam ni baru nak hupdate blog.. fine Aini.. FINE...

ada banyak faktor yang memungkinkan aku untuk tak update okay.. antaranya adalah wifi kat bilik aku macam humm.. haha itu hanyalah sekadar alasan bagi menutupi kemalasan aku.. even twitter pun aku malas nak online tapi disebabkan aku dah fedup nanti apa yang aku tulis orang baca (walhal tulis kat sini lagi la orang boleh baca.. Aini memang pandai..) so angin aku agak rajin untuk membebel di library.. ulang suara taip.. LIBRARY.. (aku tak tahu la apa nak jadi dengan budak nama Aini ni)

supporting detail -_-"
 so berbalik kepada kerja yang aku kena buat..
  1. skema jawapan past year AnaLok hari isnin ni
  2. report SnT part aku before sabtu <-- tujuan asal datang library
  3. assignment 20 soalan Remote Sensing + study untuk test hari khamis
  4. report Geomorfologi <-- dah confuse dengan part sendiri
  5. report Kuantitatif before 23/5
  6. jawapan Test 1 Analok yang baru dapat tadi
  7. fikir tajuk tesis before Isnin ni <-- sampai termimpi-mimpi muka Prof J dengan Prof KOS
nombor 1,3 and 6 tu semua handwriting tahu.. teringat balik masa zaman matrik haha baru buat sikit dah sakit tangan.. nasib kau la Aini..

oleh yang demikian, aku sendiri masih lagi tak faham kenapa budak yang bernama Aini ni masih lagi sempat untuk update blog dia sambil melakukan kerja-kerja yang melaghakan..

muka runsing.. berlatar belakangkan rak buku.. sempat lagi snapshot.. paraahhhh!!!!
p/s budak yang bernama Aini ni memasang harapan untuk stay di library untuk minggu-minggu terakhir sem ini. <-- tak faham -_-"
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