Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kisah Kanak2 B3.4.1

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera semua....

di hari sabtu yang sangat indah ni seronok je bila mengimbau balik kenangan lampau... errr takde lah lampau sangat... actually godek2 balik folder2 dalam lappy nih... assignment dari someone >_< teringat balik lah kisah2 time kat matrik dulu...

tengok balik gambar berangan sensorang... oppsss kantoi.... ohhh kangen deyh!!!! dulu mengade2 nak sangat balik... ingat lagi masa mula2 masuk dulu... bak kata Aisha.... "hidup umpama dalam kotak....kotak...KOTAK...KOTAK"  heheheeh yeah!! aku sokong masa tuh... biasa lah kan... mula2 masuk kosong je bilik tu... sekali tengok macam berhantu pun adaaaaa

Sue, Aisha, Aini, Hajjar
naaaa... ni laa roomate asal B3.4.1 masa orentasi dulu... sila abaikan muka aku yang bengkak tu tak silap 2 malam je Hajjar duduk dengan kitorang... coz dia nak sambung Form 6 tak silap... but now aku tahu yang dia kat IPG sekarang... malam before Hajjar keluar... errr... semua mula beraksi... means... mununjukkan bakat terpendam ah... ape yang kau pikir ha???? tapi tak boleh nak tepek kat sini ok... jangan nak mengada suruh aku letak kat sini gambarnye censored semuanyaaaa hahahaha ^_^  lepas tu tinggal la 3 orang je roomate... 

hampir sebulan... masuk lah second intake KMM.. memandangkan bilik ada 1 kosong... so dapat lah sorang lagi roomate... kasi cukup 4 orang... orang itu lah Sara... kalau tak ingat boleh rujuk entry nih... hahahahha tak lama lepas tu... Sue pulak nak keluar coz dia dapat buat Medic under JPA kat Republic Czech... sape tak mahu pergi kan... so merelakan hati untuk dia pergi... >_<

sebelum pergi.... waktu ni nak balik cuti Hari Wesak.. kottt
tinggal 3 orang balik... tak lama lepas tu... the last roomate... tak tukar sampai lah habis matrik... Fazz masuk... satu2nya budak akaun kat wing ini... mostly budak hayat and fizikal je... orang laen 1 Malaysia... kira bilik kitorang nih... 1 Matrik!! ekau ada????

part paling best bila gadoh2 lah... mula keluar istilah fizik, bio, akaun, bisnes and etc... adoh tak mampu aku nak listkan semua hahahaha yang masaknya bila budak akaun pening sorang2... tak mampu den nak menolongnya hehehehe debit kredit... ohh sampai sekarang aku tak mampu nak bezakan >_<

rindu burger Kafe A... even sakit hati kene tunggu lama =P
bertiga lagi... Sara, aku and Fazz
lastly.. nah aku tepek kan gambar 4 orang untuk julung2 kalinya... hahahahah susah nak dapat version ini coz yang ada selalu hanyalah censored version =P

dah nama pun kanak2... =P
to Aisha, Fazz and Sara... aku nak minta maaf dari hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki... minta halalkan makan minum and pape je lah lagi coz aku tau aku memang kuat ngepau... aku pun baru perasan... biasalah... sifat adik2 hahahha adoohhh muntah semoga berjaya semuanya lepas ni... Aisha kat UTHM.. Fazz kat UniMAP and Sara kat UNIMAS... all the best yer korang!

till then...~

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Subject List


i'm going to write for the the most BORING entry EVER!! do click the 'x' button if you really not interested in what I'm going to post... actually aku pun naik juling tengok semua nih sambil dah mula mual2 sekarang... hahhahaha read on your own risk TQ


pagi2 ni bangun2 jer dah sakit perut... so tadak mood untuk sambung tidow... oppss kantoi... settle pape patut... bla bla bla... terus on lappy... seronok jugak layan lagu Taylor Swift pagi2 buta until now haaaa... mau join??? jenguk2 FB... 10 minit... ohh mula pening2 plus perut buat hal lagi... errr... aku rasa nak cipta lappy yang tak guna backlight lah... boleh?? macamana tu??? still wondering >_<

hari mula hujan renyai2... wow! masyuk nih mau tido... but as I said... malas pulak... weeee pelik nih... so still berselubung dalam selimut... hahahaha my mum macam nak join sekali jer =P tup2 jaa... hujan mula lebat dan guruh start berdentam-dentum... damn! cepat2 matikan wifi... kang kene sambar macam hari tu tobat2...

wifi je... lappy tak pun... gila budak ini... separuh tobat hehehehe ape nak buat nih??? gila bosan... so jari mula lar menggatal bukak balik kelayakan U dulu tuh... tetiba jer risau nak masuk U lah katakan... bukak balik pdf yang listkan senarai subject yang akan diambil... bila aku baca jer... errr WA TADAK PAHAM LARRR.... huahahaha macamana???

harap2 nanti bila tiba kat sana aku tak blur macam masa mula2 masuk matrik dulu.... actually fikiran aku masih terarah pada budak yang aku jumpa kat klinik dulu tuh... so... terus google... bila guruh dah berenti lah.... YES!! tak sama fakulti... yey! gelak nada jahat percaya ke tak??? meh aku tunjuk bukti

budak tu punya...

aku punya...under fakulti sains
ok... sila percaya sekarang... ni file under STPM qualification... tu pasal tunjuk STPM jer qualificationnya.... budak tu lepasan STPM...

so now... lets start our my boring session... tadikan dah kata yang aku dok tengok senarai subject... waktu guruh2 tu lah.... aku rasa nak transfer segala rasa mual2 aku pada korang yang baca sekarang hahahahaha dengan tepek sekali SEMUA subject bagi 7 semester... HAMIK KAU actually aku confuse dengan mendalah ni....

University Courses
Faculty Core Coures
Compulsory Courses
Elective Courses I
Elective Courses II

lagi bertambah confuse bila dia kata 'choose 1 elective course programme II' wait2.. bukan2... yang ni 'non core courses' waaaaaaa.... pining2.... nah ni copy paste tadi aku dah edit kat Word guna font Arial size 9 which consist of 5 pages... kan aku dah kata... BORING ENTRY!!! so do enjoy the list... rasa2 nanti aku ada kena keluar ke oversea tak?? berangan jap hahahaha


This course discusses the following topics:
1. Early statistics - min, median and mod.
2. Central tendency and distribution measurement.
3. Spatial distribution analysis.
4. Relationship analysis and accessibility index.
5. Map analysis - physical and human criteria; map scale, distance measurement, area, cross section and earth display.
6. Thematic map - pointed map, chloropleths map, isopleths map and flow map.
7. Analyse questionnaire survey - sampling; data collections; analysis and data presentations.

This course introduces the students to systems approach forms and processes in physical geography. The main components of the physical world which will be analyzed include the atmosphere, the biosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere. The course will also touch on the effects, whether intended or otherwise, of human interactions on the physical world.

The course focuses on the definition and scope of human geography. The various aspects of human geography shall be examined especially in terms of the basic concepts and theories postulated in relation to the aspects. The application of the concepts and theories to real world situations would also be highlighted to the students.

The course will examine the changes in the characteristics and patterns of physical and human geography in Malaysia. Focus shall also be given to the relationship and the influence of the physical and human geography on the development issues faced in the country. Finally these issues shall be compared to global situations.

This course will emphasize on the importance of locational analysis and spatial organization as a central tenet in the study of human geography. This course will go on to examine selected basic theories and theoretical concepts related to location and spatial processes. In the concluding section, the course will discuss the need for adaption and adjustments of these principles to fit the real world context.

The course introduces students to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and its basic principles and methodologies. It emphasises database development which comprises map scanning, georeferencing, map digitisation and data entry. The course also focuses on data and map manipulation using GIS software and the information technology.

This course discusses the use of systems analysis to understand how PGS functions in its natural state and how human activities could affect the natural equilibrium. The course is divided into TWO parts. Part 1 describes the fundamental concepts in systems analysis including, definitions, system properties, energy and matter, interrelationships, dynamic equilibrium, steady states, entropy, feedback mechanisms, systems thresholds etc. Part 2 applies these fundamental concepts to PGS at different scales of spatial resolution. These include the Earth-Atmospheric System, Regional Vegetation System, River Basin Systems, Coastal Systems and Coastal Systems. Part 2 also discusses how human activities disrupt systems behaviour resulting in disequilibrium conditions which usually manifests them with occurrence of environmental degradation.

The course will provide an opportunity to the students to use and test the principles and theories taught in the classroom. The course will also introduce students to real situations on how to conduct survey in the form of research and case study by bringing out students to the selected study areas base on research themes that have been determined. The course will expose students to fieldwork research techniques that could be applied such as questionnaire survey, interview, use of measuring equipment such as GPS and maps. Through questionnaires and interviews, students will gain confidence and skills in communicating with the public. Further on, in order to increase the knowledge regarding the research issues, briefings by officers from government bodies and non government bodies will add to their knowledge of the issues studied. Therefore, with the explanation and briefing given will also expose to students to the various fields of job opportunities that can be explored later.

The course introduces students the quantitative method and the suitability to apply it with human, physical and environment phenomenon. Various basic quantitative method were applied by geographer and other discipline will be discuss for example Chi Square, Yule’s Q, T Test, Correlation, Regression as well as Nearest Neighbours Analysis.

This course introduce student a basic transport study from the spatial context. Transport study is a basic to the geography knowledge cause transport factor is very important to influence different space and other socio-economic activity. The system and holistic approach will be used to understand how basic component in transport system is reacting among it.

The course will be an introduction on the field of hydrology and hydrological cycle and the processes in the hydrological cycle. Aspects discussed include evaporation, precipitation, interception, infiltration, runoff, ground water, underground water and water movement in slopes, especially in relation to Horton’s and Hewlett hypotheses. Students will also be exposed to the hydrological equation and the effects of land use changes to the hydrological balance in the tropics. Students will also be exposed to the analysis hydrological parameters. Extreme events such droughts and floods will also be discussed.

The course will study the spatial distribution of economic activities, that is, production, distribution and consumption. Emphasis will be given to the factors which have determined the location and distribution of economic activities as well as the spatial and temporal changes that have taken place, Principles and models and their relevance will be discussed. Other topics of discussion include current world issues such as international trade, the globalization process and resource depletion.

The course will introduce students to the study of demography and population geography. It will focus on factors that have caused spatial differences in fertility, mortality and the distribution of population as well as government measures to influence population trends. Other topics discussed include population theories and whether such theories are still relevant today.

The objective of this course is to expose students to SIA research design and types of social, culture and economic data. How to conduct fieldwork by using sampling technique, questionnaire survey, interview and data limitations. Also will be discussed exploration data technique, computer technique and research analysis presentation.

This is a preamble course to remote sensing; it includes the history of the development of remote sensing from the beginning and to date technology. Students will be initiated to the understanding of technical principal of remote sensing as well as interpreting earth surface elements from aerial photograph and satellite imagery using visual interpretation technique and a few of computer processing techniques.

The thrust of this course is to understand how geomorphological systems functions. The course discusses within a systems approach perspective the relationships between energy, shear stress forces, resistances and responses of geomorphological systems. These relationships are discussed using the drainage basin and coastal systems as fundamental examples of geomorphological systems. These systems are also most affected by human activities and in many cases exhibits the occurrence of many examples of environmental hazards and disasters.

The course will discuss the climate system as an entity where its various components - atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere - interact with one another. In addition, it will focus on the earth’s energy balance, general atmospheric and ocean circulation as well as the weather and climate of tropical and non-tropical areas. Students will be exposed to weather and climatic systems such as monsoons, hurricanes, cyclones and others. The issue of climate change will also be discussed.

The course exposes students to social geography, which is a branch of knowledge and a set of practices used by geographers to examine and attempt to understand the social world. It is one of the main sub-disciplines in geography. The course will study the relation between humans and the place and space they create and roam in their daily lives. The course will also study the differences in human groups that often cause conflicts. The main bases used to study the differences are class, gender, ethnicity and religion. By following the course, students will be capable of applying geographic methods to understand social phenomena and working in a group to conduct a social study of their own.

The course intends to examine policy and strategy of rural settlement, critical aspect in rural settlement as well as settlement planning in agriculture area and countryside. Typology, function, history and problem in rural settlement will be discuses. The theory of settlement is a base of this course.

The course focuses on the hydrological processes operating in the physical world. It also places an emphasis on the hydrological changes that occur as a result of human activities which often result in problems to the environment

The course intends to acquaint the aspects of application, planning and design, as well as the management of a Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Emphasis is given to the implementation of a GIS application in various fields based on case studies. The course also focuses on the methods in designing a GIS application and the issues and strategies involved in GIS implementation.

This course will identify explain and discuss all aspects of Southeast Asian geography. In-depth discussions would also be focussed on the suitability of definitions regarding what is Mainland, Peninsular and Insular Southeast Asia. This course would also discuss issues and challenges common to the countries of Southeast Asia.

This course discusses the emerging importance and significance of global issues as it affects the global populace. These issues can be categorized in many ways and include that which affects the global environment and societal wellbeing, global economics, global politics, global mobility of ideas and people, degradation and contraction of resources, and many others. These issues have a geographical dimension in terms of their occurrence and behaviour and are usually trans-boundary in nature, cutting across nations and regions and in most cases resulting in tensions and conflicts. Conflict resolution is a major process in managing global issues which are usually discussed and agreed through multilateral agreements and treaties. The aim of this course is to primarily expose the students to various scenarios of global issues that are affecting societies, their geographical dimensions and the importance and significance that geography as a discipline can contribute to better understand the issues.

The course focuses both urban planning and regional development. The focus of the course would be theories, concepts as well as of the practices of the field in the various development context. Case studies based on various countries would form a basis of the assessment of effectiveness of regional development program.

This course will identify the process, the level and factors of urbanization. Discussion will focus on topics such as squatter housing, dilemmas of urbanisation, transportation, historical perspective, urbanisation and globalisation paradigms and urban poverty. Concepts to be discussed include peri-urbanisation, Extended Metropolitan Regions (EMR), super induce development, reginopolis, driver of urbanisation and informal sectors.

This course will look in particular the computer processing of satellite imageries. The intensity will be given to the processing and analysing of digital data with software equipped in the department. Focus is immense on the application of satellite imageries in several applications such as mapping, land use, agriculture and urbanisation, climate, environmental monitoring as well as natural disaster.

This course reviews the main theories and concepts underpinning political geography. By adopting spatial perspectives it will introduce a variety of theories and relates it to the processes of social and geographical change. Then, this course will concentrate on the formation of the states: the background, the system, its relationship with the other states and the challenges faced by the state in the ‘borderless world’ and ‘globalization’ process.

The course will study the spatial and temporal development of the tourism industry from various aspects. Emphasis will be given tourist motivations and typologies and the economic, social and environmental impacts related to tourism development. The development and role of the tourism industry in Malaysia will also be studied. The discussion will also focus on various issues and questions related to tourism development such as pollution, leakages and social degradation.

The course further exposes students to Geographic Information Systems, highlighting the analyses available in GIS. The course will focus on vector analysis and raster analysis using GIS software. Apart from these, the course will also include the aspects of designing a spatial decision support system in GIS data modelling.

The course seeks to use the concepts of region, regionalism and regionalisation to explain the unique geographical, historical, economic and geopolitical characteristics of Africa, its regions and interactions with the world. To that end, topics covered include: region, regionalism and regionalisation; geomorphologic units/land forms of Africa; climatic factors and climate change as well as impacts; mineral resources and economies of Africa; colonisation in Africa, Berlin conference of 1884-1885 and the partition of Africa, geopolitics of the Nile River Basin; regional economic groupings in Africa; Africa and globalisation.

This course begins with a discussion on the deference between environmental hazard, risk and disaster. The course examines how environment hazard and disaster can be classified and how each hazard/disaster types occur and behave. The course also explains the concept of human vulnerability to hazard threat and disaster and the importance of hazard management in avoiding disaster. The concept advocates the need for hazard management in the implementation of national policies on environment management.

This course begins with a discussion on the fundamental concepts of what is a resource and the relationships between resource availability, development and the evolution of human society. The course discusses the importance of environmental resources and human resources development especially in the developing world. The course also explains that resources development have a positive as well as negative impacts to society and the need for sustainable resources development.

This course examine about retail activity from geography perspective for example location, distribution and spatial organisation. Various cases will be discus like type, development as well as changing in retail activity especially e-tailing and technology impact to the physical retailing. Together with retail, consumer behaviour aspect will be discus cause retailer and consumer is a main component in goods and services distribution channel.

This course reviews current research on the political geography of elections, dealing with both electoral behavior and the politics of the electoral process. Elections are placed in their broad social and geographical contexts. It also examines how elections contribute to the development and use of power and legitimacy in political systems. Then, this course will describe the analysis of the electoral decision: what influences voters’ choice? How does geography impact upon those choices?

This course seeks to use theories and models to explain the forms, processes and patterns of urban development in Southeast Asia. Key urban policy areas that underlie urban development as well as engines of urban growth and competitive advantage will be discussed. The course will analyse development gaps in Southeast Asia and explain why some counties in the region are more developed than others. In the light the United Nations’ millennium development goals, the course seeks to examine the status and progress of Southeast Asia urban areas in meeting the millennium development goals. A major essence of the course is to explain the planning and practices of sustainable urban development. Concomitant to that, barriers and strategies for sustainable urban development will be discussed.

The course focuses on water on the aspects of its science, hydrology and especially of it being a resource. Aspects of its quantity and quality are treated in detail along with its development and challenges that it faces in light of physical progress in Malaysia.

This course will introduce the agricultural system which has been practiced in world. Factors affecting the development and growth of agriculture. Current issues and obstacles in the agriculture sector will be discussed.

Research writing exercises are necessary to provide exposure to students regarding scientific research and academic writing in the field of geography. Research has to be focused on one issue or a new issue which has not been studied. It can be a case study, process, phenomenon, or evaluation of a change in the geographical process. With the assistance of a supervisor, students will be trained to plan, collect and arrange information scientifically and thus present it in the form of an academic thesis of high quality using techniques appropriate to an undergraduate.

The course intends to expose the students to geography industry as means of preparing them for the working world. Students will receive practical experience from both the public and private sector. The industrial experience is expected to motivate, give them the opportunity to extend their theoretical knowledge to practice, enhance their professionalism and employability potential. Continuous assessment will be given based on students’ performance at their respective training location.

-the end- *muntah

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

En. Dentist =)


senyum2 kambing sambil menaip entry nih ooppssss ... saje nak share story semalam... kat Klinik Kesihatan yang cekik darah tu lah kan... but dengan ada nya En. Dentist... marah saya hilang sekejap... hahahaha sekejap jer!

kredit ke department pergigian klinik nih sebab servis dia amat best! plus En. Dentist yang sangat cute as bonus -_-# selain itu... nurses kat situ amat cute plus peramah walaupun yang jaga tu ada jugak yang veteran.... kan saya dah kata.... awet muda gitu... keep it up! kos dia pun tak cekik darah sampai errr -_- I don't wanna talk about it anymore... berpatutan lah senang cerita...

mula2 masa nak masuk tu takut2 jer sebab history masa sekolah rendah dulu... masuk2 je... alamak... dokter lelaki lah.... mesti lebih ganas berbanding nurse yang kat sekolah dulu -_-# 

like this???
tapi... dia greet kita elok2 supaya hilang rasa takut... damn! cair jap hahaha masa dia check... dia lebih berhati-hati berbanding nurse chinese dulu tu... yes! lega! and guess what??? he's sooo cute with a little bit chinese look...  ohhh teringat sampai sekarang -_-# hahahaha
besau senyum diaaaa haaahahaha
confius jugak lah kan... kenapa guys bila buat kerja2 ni... tak rasa sakit... even my bro yang kerja kat hospital tu... ramai patient nak sangat dia yang cucuk untuk buat dialisis... orang kata my bro cucuk tak sakit... time cucuk ambik darah haku rasa sakit jer.... how??? hahahaha

thats all from me... chow~

A Bit About Atok


actually tengah dengar lagu Just So You Know by Jesse McCartney... then only I was thinking about my Atok... he's probably sleeping right now... so... feels like wanna talk about him(s) a bit... a bit jer sudah =P

saya ada 3 orang atok.. percaya atau tidak buat2 jer percaya... jangan tanya lebih2 hahahha... ingat senang Aini nak balik ke mood asal dia??? don't think... just read =)

2 from my Atok(s) have gone for long2 time ago... means that I've got an Atok which is alive now...  before this I've never know that I still got an Atok alive.. surprisingly.. I just know him less than a year... ye... sila buat2 terperanjat... huh! how?? its private and confidential =P

what I like the most about this Atok... he is soooo much understanding! ohh untung nenek saya! tak tahu la macamana dia boleh tahan dengan omelan cucu dia nih... recently so much probs come to date with me... ohh I don't know why they very like me... so... he's the one that I babbling to... sorry grandpa... to grandma... I'm sorry again.... have to borrow him for a while =)

yeah... different point of view if you ask me... that's why... yela... umur2 macam sekarang ni kadang2 buat keputusan sendiri pun macam tak betul... so mintak la pendapat orang yang lebih tuaaaaa opppssss ohhh headache ok...

the best thing is.... dia ada kawan yang berlakon dalam filem ************ dirahsiakan.... kena marah kang bila bagitahu... heeee only his friend is the main actor nak autograf!!!! haaaaa... incredible isn't it??? just believe it... mula2 pun tak caye jugak..... hahahha

till then... harap2 lar Atok tak advance terbaca entry nih.... hadooyyyy Atok2 sekarang maju oke!

p/s Aini sebok mengada2 nak speaking rojak petis =P sorry >_<

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hari Huru Hara

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera diucapkan kepada saudara/i sekalian....

kalian semua dah sedia maklumkan mengenai kemasukan lepasan matriks, STPM and etc ke universiti kan... so hari ni pergilah settle segala macam yang U nak... duit, medical, and bla bla bla...

sapa2 yang masih bergiat aktif dengan pertanian anggur mesti terasa dengan 'kemewahan' wang yang ada dalam poket... huh! so pagi2 lagi dah bersiap nak ke bandar untuk settle segala benda... but lepas sarapan and keluarkan duit dari pejabat pos... dah 10.30... erk.. macam lambat jer...

hari ni banyak pulak eksiden actually takde lah banyak... sampai je kat bandar dah pukul 11... at least sampai dalam masa yang dijangkakan lah... even sebenarnye dah lambat coz pergi sarapan tadi... then bila dah keluar duit yang agaklah tebal... sapa tak seram2 sejuk beb! cepat2 lah pergi bank in... kene rompak tak pasal...

actually 1st time buat benda nih... so over excited sikit hahaha... pergi berdua dengan Fara... merangkap kawan baik, jiran, classmate and etc...  ramai pulak polis hari ini... motif??? I don't know... tanye je lar diorang... bila sampai kat bank... terus pergi mesin cek deposit tuh... agak lambat lah nak tekan2 segala button kat mesin CDM tuh... precaution ok... duit banyak... hahaha then ada sorang pak polisi nih... tak perasan pulak saing... bila dah excited menjadi 'bank in' duit tuh... blah lar... hape lagi... sampai jer kat motor...

Fara : Aini... kau perasan tak tadi polis tu belakang kita???
Saya : Perasan... nape???
Fara : Dia saing kita sebenarnye tadi...
Saya : So???
Fara : Kau dengar tak ape dia cakap???
Saya : Tak... dia cakap apa???
Fara : Dia mengumpat kau tadi... "ish budak nih!!masukkan duit pun lambat!!"
Saya : Oh... yeke.... aku pun macam ada jugak dengar orang berkata2... tapi tak catch up ar apa dia cakap... excited punya pasal... hahahaha


boleh tak imbas balik supaya boleh tukar dialog jadi macam nih???

Pak Polisi : Ish budak nih!! masukkan duit pun lambat!!
Saya : ye encik.... ada apa2 yang saya boleh tolong???? wink3 *toleh belakang sambil buat muka comel

adakukesah???? mahu saman saya kah coz masukkan duit slow2 motion???? bank tuh encik punya kah??? ker.... encik nak tolong tambah amount saya tuh.... saya tak kesah... kecil kad ATM saya... satu bank saya tadahkan.... 


polis sekarang sangat angkuh kenapa yer... ingat wa takut sangat ka sama lu punya misai??? piiii rrahhhhh.... errr.... berbulu dibuatnyer!

enough cerita pak polisi.... lepas tu terus ke Klinik Kesihatan alah...yang kat tengah2 bandar tu lah.... then sampai2 jer... "dik... datang pukul 2 nanti eah... ramai sangat..." fine.. boleh terima.... terus gerak ke Bank Islam... alahai... urusan bapak tiri lar.... bak kata Mira... PTPTN lorrr... lama jugak lah kan... siap setting segala... dah dekat pukul 1... I don't mind tunggu lama2 kat situ coz meraka sangat PERAMAH!!! see???? I like that! 

Fara kata tak nak lunch coz tadi sarapan pun lambat... so patah balik lah ke BSN... sampai kat BSN... haku cari jugak lar pak polisi tadi tuh... ceh.. takde pulak... baru nak wink2 hahahha  ambik no. segala... pukul 2 pun belum tentu settle... decide ke Klinik Kesihatan je lah... pergi solat jap... turun je tepat2 pukul 2... cantik ah... tapi..... tang menunggu tu yang tak best! cek punya no. dekat 2.40 baru panggil huh! takpe... sabau naaaa

datang je kat kaunter... akak yang jaga tu merayau pulak... eh... nak ke mana tuh??? tercengang ah kat situ... siot betoi! then pak cik yang ada kat situ bagi borang segala bagai... then tanye lah berapa bayaran nye... dia cakap tak tahu pulak... cis... lecey nih... masa isi2 borang tuh... fara cakap dia bayar 20 ringgit jer... erk??? ohhh

then masa beratur kat kaunter tu ada lah sorang minah ni... pun masuk UM jugak... actually dah perasan dari bank tadi... tapi malas pulak nak beramah mesra hahahha dia tanya kena bayar berapa... so cakap jer la harga yang fara bayar... tapi... bila turn dia jer... akak tu cakap.... 180 ringgit dik... HAMBIK KAU!!! errr... terus pandang haku macam nak makan orang... kakak dia lah... apasal akak nih... takyah ar nak tengok haku macam tuh... sempat pulak dok ngintai surat tawaran dia... selamat tak sama fakulti even sama geografi... dia punya Sarjana Muda Sastera ( Geografi )... saya punya Sarjana Muda Sains ( Geografi )... sama tak??? lain kan??? tolong lar cakap tak sama huaaaahahaha >_<

bila tiba turn saya... pun akak tu cakap 180 ringgit... ark??? WOW!! duit tak cukup pulak.... >_< sempat kene marah cakap datang lain kali kalau tak ada duit dengan nada yang sungguh annoying! kak... cakap elok2 sikit boleh??? sentap sampai jantung ok! then try deal baik2... cakap saya pergi ATM sekarang jugak! err sabau je lah...

yang paling tak boleh pergi bla.... bila settle bayar tu... patutnya cakap terus je pergi ambik darah kan senang... time bayar tuh dah dekat pukul 4 ok... coz bila dah sampai tempat nak ambil darah.... "dik... dah tak boleh ambik darah dik... pukul 3.30 dah tutup... datang esok k..." WTH!!! datang lagi???? capek gue! fine esok kene datang lagi -_-# nasib baik department lain ok je layanan diorang... yang kat kaunter tu je lar yang eerrrrr -_-# malas mau cerita...

last sekali cek gigi... time tu perut dah mula karaoke..... macam2 pakej lagu ada... settle je... rushing pergi ke motor... eh.... helmet sudah bertukar wajah???? erk... fine... dicopet.... sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga lagi terhempap pintu sambil tergolek2 di kaki lima... helmet fara menjadi mangsa... erk... kelam kabut nak pergi bayar 180 ringgit tuh... terlupa nak kunci helmet kat tempat duduk... biasa buat ok je.... untuk menghilangkan rasa bersalah... even masih bersisa... pergi beli helmet baru... even tak support semua but at least >50% lah saya hulur... once again... FORGIVE ME PLEASE....

then... lepas melantak baru lah balik... maghrib jugak ah sampai rumah... gila!

For the nurses.... I just don't like the way they treat me!! get it???!! macamana lah orang tak kutuk servis goverment.... mamposs aq condem servis orang... but for certain nurses only k... biasanya yang veteran2 tuh.... kan lebih baik tunjukkan rasa penyayang... stay cool akan menampakkan anda lebih awet muda... just imagine... tak perlu berkasar... nama pun nurse... kata "Penyayang, Profesionalisme, Kerja Berpasukan" where is it?? so... prove it then... it's just personal opinion... I believe orang lain pun felt the same way... am I??? cuma tak berani cakap je...

till then... esok kene mengadap lagi nurse tuh... alahai....

p/s    tolong lar minah tu jangan baca apa yang haku tulis nih... kalau tak.... mamp**ssss -_-
p/s/s entry agak bosan bila takde gambar... sorry >_<

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Oh Atok!!

Assalamualaikum kalian semua...

untuk seketika... saya sedang moody... sekejap ja... ok fine.. stop with nonsense pasal angin pus2... saya mood ok2 jer arini... even ada berita yang memeranjatkan diri sendiri... so... rasa2 macam malas nak layan ayat2 mengada2... fine... sila klik "x" button... I don't mind...

actually... tetiba je jari2 ni gatal nak menaip... ni semua pasal Atok... dah lama tak contact Atok... tengah2 termenung merenung masa depan... tetiba teringat kat Atok... alahai... leceh la Atok nih... lama je menghilang... Atok pergi vacation reunion dengan kawan2 dia masa zaman2 tok Kaduk dulu... tak ajak pun cucu dia yang gedix ni hahahah

Atok... balik nanti... jangan lupa bawakkan ole2 yer... Atok... saya ada banyak benda nak story mory kat Atok... walhal tipu jer hahaha Atok... boleh tolong uruskan kos nak masuk U tu nanti tak...??? hah! ni mula mengarut... Atok... actually saya risau pasal nak masuk U nih... Atok boleh bagi kata2 semangat tak... mengada!! tak payah la.... hahaha

till then... papai~

p/s atok kalau pergi atm nanti... jangan skodeng duit orang k... kalau bank in dalam akaun saya takpe.... hahaha

Biasiswa or Pinjaman???


seperti mana kalian sedia maklum.... ramai student lepasan matrik especially yang sedang meningkat naik dengan pertanian tanaman anggur seperti saya sekarang are on their way ke menara gading... macam tak percaya je kan... 9 year old kid dah nak masuk U!!!! oppss terlupa "1" kat depan 9... >_<

so... apa yang memeningkan kepala saya sekarang... alhamdulillah belum tahap migrain... its all about the cost... pinjaman or scholarship... actually untuk apply scholarship... I think its impossible to get it... because??? biarlah saya sorang je tahu.... my friend kate... "apply je Aini... mana tahu ada rezeki..." what about yang kata tak boleh ada ikatan dengan agensi lain... macam gambar kat bawah ni...???

bila friends kat FB dok post pasal segala macam benda2 nih dekat group KMM... saya semakin cuak... ok honestly saya dah cek out pendahuluan PTPTN but it all happen on 16 Dis 2010... last year lah senang cerita... dan duit tersebut masih selamat di dalam bank.... no worries...

bila baca post nih... saya memang tertanya2.... cik Hasnani Norizan ni jugak cakap dulu dia ada dapat mendealah tu tahun lepas... but dia tolak.... seingat saya and tengok balik surat waran tu cepat2 coz dah cuak... dia tak mention pasal degree or diploma pun.... how come??? alamak.... ade jugak yang post cakap jangan amek yayasan negeri.... why??? tak tahu...

now... I'm in seriously damn confiussss.... mamp**sss... damn! tak suka feeling ini...

these are the lists that I'm going to think about it...
1) Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional <-- memang kene amek yang ni kot...
2) Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam <-- sangat lah tak confident boleh dapat
3) Yayasan Pelajaran Johor <-- saya anak Johor... nak try boleh???
4) Yayasan Bank Rakyat <-- tak tahu lah kenapa yang ni pun masuk list jugak
5) Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor <-- agak leceh bila tengok dia punya syarat

anybody boleh tolong kurangkan kekusutan yang saya alami sekarang??? sebarang suggestion amat dihargai... terima kasih daun keladi.. ^_^

Monday, July 18, 2011

Budak Emo Berkata-kata


hari ni saya sangat sakit kepala... so take precaution to stay away from me! I don't mind if you straight away click the 'x' button on the spot.. never mind... I'm kinda emotional today.. its not because of saddy matter... ada ke word 'saddy'??? its because i'm soooo fucking tired! ah!!! Aini dah mula mencarut... 

serius penat untuk beberapa hari ni... perasan tak dah beberapa hari tak online... adakukesah??? even cek result UPU... parah ke dak??? ye... seriusly... saya tak online pun cek result UPU tu... suruh roommate kawan yang cekkan... ini semua gara2 modem wifi ni kene sambar petir... betul2 pukul 12 tengah hari... huh! memang tak merasa la nak menjejakkan kaki ke laman web tuh... alahai... malam tu mula lar gelabah coz... ingat nak cek kat CC jer.. but my friend insist nak suh pergi rumah mak cik dia... fine... ikutkan je la....
cam takde waktu lain pulak nak sambar....
bila dah dapat online... setakat nak pastikan betul2 depan mata... ada my friend nih kata... "tu lar hang...wat benda tak bek...padah lar tuh..." hoi!!! mulut tu jaga sikit na... hang tau dak... kecik hati haku bila hang habak lagu tuh! saket hati haku tau! haish! hang ingat cek mau ka bagi modem tu kene sambar...?? 'mari lah petir... tolong lar sambar saya punya modem nih... saya suka sangat bila petir dekat2 dengan modem saya nih....' hang ingat camtu ka??? habes haku tak dapat skodeng budak2 lain dapat mana... nak tengok senarai course pun suruh kawan tolong tengokkan... hang tau la nanti bila kena batang hidung sendiri! fuh! marah yang amat! menyirap okey! enough mengamuk.... sorry... >_<

after all things happen... check on web... alhamdulillah... dapat my last choice... actually nekad je letak last option nih... Sains (Geografi) di UM... thank God... agak terkesima la jugak dengan pointer yang tak seberapa tuh... boleh pulak sangkut kat UM nih... terima kasih jugak lah kat tuan rumah... bagi guna internet kejap... nak cek UPU tuh....
alhamdulillah ^_^
esoknye... debaran makin menggila sebab tinggal 1 hari je lagi nak test JPJ... seriously tension tahap sampai uban2 pun boleh gugur dari kepala... hadoyyy.... masa tuh sangat lah down gile babeng coz... sudah la hari tu last training... bawak kerete pun dah entah macam apa... semua benda tak jadi... gelabah punya pasal.... pak cik yang ajar tu pun dah condem macam2... wa bertambah tensionest...!! kesian kat sorang tuh... terpaksa layan budak yang tak matang nih... nak release tension... sempat lagi tengok Harry Potter seorang diri... Fine! pelik kah haku pergi tengok wayang sorang2??? yeah.. tulah hakikatnya... ada sorang mamat nih dok pandang2 haku macam haku kurang pakai 1 baju... siot je lah kan... haish.. doesn't matter coz tension haku hilang untuk seketika melayan Harry Potter... ^_^

balik2 je sambung moody... motip??? diri sendiri pun tak tau.... malam tu my friend datang rumah nak ajak print surat tawaran... haku malas nak layan... untuk seketika... perlu print ke????? tapi... bagi jugak la kan... jahat jap... hahahah hurm.. memang tahap kritikal... esoknya haku memghabiskan masa dengan membuta... jangan pertikaikan apa yang haku buat... bila malam dah membebel sampai entah pukul berapa... dirahsiakan.... memang tido je lah kan nak gain balik tenaga.... baik jangan buat... makin penat ada... hahahaha sepanjang haku sedar... tension mula menghantui diri.... mandi tak basah... makan tak kenyang... tido tak lena... sekali lagi my friend datang rumah... nak mintak movie... fine! apasal lah time2 ni jugak ko sebok nak tengok movie??! memang angin pus2 betol!
angin gila...
akhirnya... tiba lah hari ini... hari yang paling menyeramkan buat masa sekarang... perlu ke bagitahu macam tuh??? Alhamdulillah... semua berjalan dengan lancar... even haku rasa tersekat2 hahahah... takpe... yang penting LULUSSS!!!!! done! settle 1 masalah... balik je terus pergi TMpoint... settlekan problem modem... then pergi mencapub ke hospital... dok berkepit dengan abang haku... later balik... bila balik je... damn!!! problem lagi... nak install pulak tak ingat username... untung ada talian 100 memudahkan urusan... 
yeay! dah boleh bawak kerete!
time nih la haku punya tahap emo yang paling kritikal... haku berangin pus2 kejap dengan my friend yang sorang nih.... yang hang dok kalut sebab tak ingat no. pin kat haku wat pa... dah hang yang tak simpan lek lok... pergi buang pasai pa.... alahai... haku lah menjadi mangsa keadaan... hang dok torture haku yang pening dah tahap migrain... memang sentap lah kan bila sampai tahap haku nak campak je jaoh2 phone tuh... baru hang reti nak berenti untuk berkata2... suruh bawak bersabau tak mau... nah... terima padahnya haku dah menyumpah seranah....
sentap lah kalau buat macam nih...
till then... maaf atas segala ayat yang tak senonoh @ terlebih ajar... salahkan angin pus2... papai~

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hati Tak Tenteram


hari ni 14 Julai.... esok dah 15 Julai... adooyyy.... tension2.... malam tadi steady jer bila ada my friend ni ajak keluar sebab nak tenangkan hati pasal UPU.... terima kasih la sebab belanje aq makan tauhu... heheheh tup2... hari ni.... dah transfer kat haku lak rasa tuh... kau bluetooth ka??? alahai... tak senang duduk... errgggghhhh

baru pagi tadi dapat mesej 15888... tu yang start feel macam ni.... alahai.... dah la mimpi dapat course medik... biau betik! pointer haku takde lah masyuk sampai macam tu.... bukan ape... sebabnye... dulu2 time PMR dengan SPM... dapat mimpi buruk tapi result ok... takut je bila dapat mimpi success ni result teruk...  karut jer semua tuh... tapi itu lah yang dirasakan sekarang... ada sesiapa yang boleh counselor saya sekarang???? a little help plezzzzz....

sudah la hari ni Harry Potter keluar... sebenarnye baru teringat... hahahaha budak fanatik Harry Potter lupa!!!!! emphesize lagik!!! macamana ni??? ya... itu menunjukkan simptom hati tak tenang itu di tahap kritikal... rasa demam2 bagai... tak tahu lah demam durian ke demam tension... sudahlah muka pun dah boleh goreng keropok.... gunung berapi sesuka hati mau meletus tanpa amaran... haish!! mencik!!! wa mau senyum2... gelak2 besar pun susah..!

pulak hari Ahad ni kata ada event yang... alahai.... tetiba je muncul.... asalnye tanya lain... lain pulak jadinya.... tapi tak sure lagi ye pergi ke tak... macam ada halangan pulak nak pergi event tuh...  kalau awak baca apa yang saya tulis ni... sorry yer... tak janji... but I'll try my best untuk sampaikan hajat kamu pada friend awak tuh yer... esoknye pulak sudah la Test JPJ... aarrgghhh!!! lagi lah tension... nih pun patut pegi belajar... tapi saya cancel coz... erk... malas pun ada... semalam dah la pergi merayau cari belanja dengan mak... hah! sama2 lah merempit naik moto... lalalala~ capek yau.... lagipun tuh bukan sebab utama saya monteng... hehehehe... tadi pagi hujan lebat... alamat basah lencun lah kan bila pergi Parit Besar dari Semerah ni...... dah tak hujan... alah! bedal saja... nanti Sabtu pergi lah belajar lagi.... apa susah??? sekali fail padan mukak huh! hadoyyyy... tension2....

untuk menghilangkan tension tengah2 hari buta nih... hapa lagik... memekak je law la.... mak bagi pelepasan tak masuk dapur hari ni.... naseb baek... hahhahah tapi kena kemas rumah la sebagai galang ganti... takpe... jap lagi baru buat... hahhahaha alahai... berkumandang la lagu yang baru tadi malam rasa best lak lagu nih... dengar time skodeng blog orang... terima kasih akak Sepet.... hehehehe kantoi (>_<)
alamak!!! hari ni!!! sapa nak belanje??? sekarang jugak saya siap... hahahah
esok ke????
alahai.... event....
apasal lah kene ada ujian.... (kerete ok..bukan moto!)
ah!! nyah kau daripada haku TENSION!!!! suka sangat kacau hidup haku.... bak kata my friend... "Aini... jangan tension2 nanti makin banyak jerawat kau tuh..." alahai cik kak... ni bukan sahaja jerawat tension... complete pakej dengan berangan sekali... tu yang hasilnya sangat excellent.... hahahhaha

jom lah layan sekali lagu nih...
tetiba je teringat kat sorang tuh... shhhh 

sudah mula merepek... baik chow dulu sebelum lebih memalukan diri sendiri... papai~
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